Meet Our Horses

Birth: 2011

Name: Crown royal Birth: 2022

Name: Ilona Birth: 2010

Name: Bacardi Birth: 2021

Dreamer lives up to his name completely one minute he's thinking about what's on one side of them the next minute he's sleeping the next minute he sees something on the other side of him kind of spends his trail ride dreaming away. He is one of our steady Eddy children's horses is used on numerous trail rides and continuously in every lesson program we have. Born in 2008

When I arrived at HBRS I was more than 300lbs overweight. I was well trained though, so I went straight into successful weightloss work and now I am an incredible trail and lesson horse. They say I’m lazy, which might be true, but I sure know my stuff and have no problems doing what’s been asked of me. I am one of the best trail horses for a nervous beginner rider because I’m lazy, nothing phases me. Name: Karma Breed: Quarter Horse Sex: Mare Birth: 2008

I am the main guide horse at HBRS. I was born here and I know the trails so well, I could do them with no rider and my eyes closed! I also do all the overnight and all day trips up to Perch Lake, I love to take the more experienced riders. You can always spot me in the herd, especially at kick-out time, I make sure you see I’m hot stuff. I love to twirl my long blond hair as I run out to the pasture. Name: Mhari Breed: Quarter Horse Sex: Gelding Birth: 2005

My name is actually Onguiaahra, but Ongi is much easier to pronounce. I am named for Niagara Falls, where Kyla and my breeder used to travel trails on horseback. My colour is extremely unique, I am an “amber cream champagne.” The champagne is what makes me shimmer in the summer and it gives me my bright green eyes. I am Kyla’s reining horse, Name: RVVR Wild Blue Ice “Ongi” Breed: American Quarter Horse Association Sex: Gelding Birth: 2012

Winnie the Pooh also known as Pooh Bear our million dollar Pony born in 2005 our business would never be where it is without Winnie the Pooh he has been the starter for every riding lesson and every child to learn on he's still very consistent on the trails and will remain at the riding stable for the rest of his life. He is a very loved Pony

Name: Raider Birth: 1998

My name is Storm’s Ransom because I was born in the middle of the pasture during the biggest thunderstorm of the year. You’ll hear the workers at the farm call me Handsome Ransom because of the stunning contrast of my long black mane on my light brown face. In my earlier years I did eventing with Kyla, but these days I enjoy my job as a trail horse. I do all the trails quite happily. I’m a pretty solid guy out there. Name: Storm’s Ransom Breed: Quarter Horse Sex: Gelding Birth: 2005

Most people just call me Comfy and that I am! I am a smoooooooth ride out on the trails and that’s where you’ll find me most often. I’m a little too speedy in the arena for lesson kids, so they put me right near the front of the line in almost every 1hr trail ride that goes out. I love my job as a trail horse and can’t wait to get going once my client has mounted. Name: Stoney Oak Rebecca “Southern Comfort” Breed: American Quarter Horse Association Sex: Mare Birth: 2003

Ever since I came to HBRS with my mom, Peaches, I’ve been a regular lesson and trail horse just like she is. I can be a little stubborn sometimes (if you’ve ridden me, you know that means I’d really rather not work hard or go in the mud) but I think I must get that from my dad. I can be trusted to carry any type of rider, anytime. See you out on the trails this summer! Name: Tucker Breed: Quarter horse/Belgian Sex: Gelding Birth: 2008

I was bought in the spring of 2020 and was put right into training. Kyla thinks I will make a great trail and lesson horse with a few months of training. I’m super quiet and friendly, I fit into my new herd nicely and I love people. Name: “Ler Blondies Zip” Breed: American Quarter Horse Association Sex: Mare Birth: 2014

Name: Envy Birth: 2020

Prince charming born 2018 lives up to his name. And has charmed many of the young students here at the stable Prince charming is used for working cows teaching lessons and is one of our steady Eddies on the trail rides. He's not a big social butterfly but loves to be loved on one on one

Name: Carhartt Birth: 2018

I arrived at HBRS as a wild range colt in December of 2018. I had no experience with humans and was pretty wary of them. Over the next few months Kyla worked every day to gain my trust and develop what has become an incredible relationship. While I’m OK with other people and will take snuggles from just about anyone, Kyla is my favourite human. I always come running when she whistles for me (well… maybe jogging. I’m too lazy to run most of the time) and will follow her anywhere and do anything s

Birth: 2020

Olaf named after the snowman in Frozen. Born in 2009. In typical snowman fashion he tends to make things scarier than it should be. What is a true character and absolutely loves people. He's very playful out in the pasture with the other horses and loves to play with the young ones. Being white makes him impossible to keep clean especially since he seems to find the dirtiest places to roll.

Name: Ariel Birth: 2009

Name: Bailey Birth: 2019

When I arrived at the farm in the summer of 2019, I was a little on the chunky side, Kyla said I was round just like a brown “M&M” candy! That was going to be my nickname, but I think Meghan stuck. I can be a little nervous sometimes, but I promise I just want to be loved on. If you don’t see me in summer camp, I’m probably hanging out with my BFF Autumn. Name: Meghan Markle Breed: Dales Pony Sex: Mare Birth: 2010